- cislunar
- лунный, относящийся к Луне, внутри лунной орбиты
English-Russian astronomy dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian astronomy dictionary. 2013.
cislunar — cislunár adj. m., pl. cislunári; f. sg. cislunáră, pl. cislunáre Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic CISLUNÁR, Ă adj. de dincoace de Lună. (< engl. cislunar) … Dicționar Român
cislunar — [lateinisch »diesseits des Mondes«] werden Bahnen von Raumflugkörpern genannt, die zwischen Erde und Mond verlaufen … Universal-Lexikon
cislunar — [sis lo͞o′nər] adj. [ CIS + LUNAR] on this side of the moon, between the moon and the earth … English World dictionary
cislunar — adjective Date: circa 1877 lying between the earth and the moon or the moon s orbit < cislunar space > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cislunar space — (alternatively, cis lunar space) is the volume within the Moon s orbit, or a sphere formed by rotating that orbit. Volumes within that such as low earth orbit (LEO) are distinguished by other names. Practically, cislunar space is a useful label… … Wikipedia
cislunar space — cislunar space, 1. the space between the earth and the moon, shaped like a frustum and moving like the hand of a clock as the moon revolves about the earth. 2. the space between the earth and the moon s orbit … Useful english dictionary
cislunar — /sis looh neuhr/, adj. Astron. of or pertaining to the space between the earth and the orbit of the moon. [1865 70; CIS + LUNAR] * * * … Universalium
cislunar — adjective a) situated between the Earth and the Moon b) situated below the orbit of the Moon, or equivalent distance from the Earth Syn: sublunar … Wiktionary
cislunar — cis|lu|nar [ts...] vgl. ↑zislunar … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
cislunar — [sɪs lu:nə] adjective between the earth and the moon … English new terms dictionary
cislunar — cis·lunar … English syllables